Investing in timber sustainably and with impact is the trend. Modern timber investments focus on the climate impact of the industry and on the long-term storage of CO2 in timber buildings.
The growth of sustainable investments continues unabated: Swiss Sustainable Finance writes in its Market Report 2022:
"...the volume of sustainable investments increased by 30% to CHF 1,982.7 billion. Sustainable mandates showed the highest growth rate of 109%. Sustainable investment funds grew by 15%, and sustainable asset owners' assets grew by 11%." However, while investment volumes are increasing, the industry is still relatively struggling with clear sustainability criteria that apply to all.
Stefan Zöllig
Managing Director, Owner
Tel: +41 58 255 42 00
Cement is responsible for 9% of global CO2 emissions. One cubic meter of concrete produces emissions of 500 kg of CO2. Wood, on the other hand, stores around 1,000 kg of CO2 per cubic meter. However, today's industrial wood production
is not material efficient with only about 30% yield. 70% becomes fuel and thus CO2 again.
The Scrimber CSC method is used to turn whole trees into load-bearing building products. For this purpose, tree trunks are crushed into splinters with rollers. These are dried, glued and then continuously pressed into boards as raw board for cross laminated timber CLT for walls, ceilings and roofs. The yield is around 90%.
The Scrimber CSC Holding AG was founded 2022 in Thun, Switzerland and is fully paid up with a share capital of CHF 100'000.-. By capital increase another 1'000 shares will be issued. The agio is factor 20, the price per share CHF 2'000.-, total CHF 2.0 million.
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